Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Battery Point Light

September 8,
When we first got to the harbor it was quite foggy but by the time I got to the lighthouse, the sun had come out. Tours are only given when there is a low tide and you can walk to light. Today was the only tour day for the next week and a half due to high tides.

The lighthouse was built in the 1850's of granite block with tower of brick in the center. West Coast stone lighthouses were built by Swedish masons. Originally it was four rooms with no kitchen. Eventually a kitchen and later a radio room was added.
The pink flowers are ice plants. They were planted by an early keeper, who sent them to himself from his previou post.
Two tree stumps have been carved, one into a blue whale and the other, an old salt.
The bottom picture is a view toward the harbor from the light.

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