Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Shelter Cove, Ca.

September 14,
After coming to the end of Avenue of the Giants, we drove 23 miles to Shelter Cove. This road takes the prize for being the most curvy and hilly road we've ever been on. I
don't think the road was straight for more than 300 feet at a time, with a passing zone it's entire lenght. As we were climbing a hill, they ran out of room so the road became a single lane. The locals all seemed to drive pick ups with dents at a very rapid rate.

As we got to Shelter Cove, the fog rolled in and the temperature dropped from the eighties to the low sixties. We went to the Cape Mendocino Lighthouse in Mal Coombs Park. The 43 foot tower originally stood on a 400 foot cliff that was often the center of violent storms and earthquakes. The badly deteriorated light was moved from Cape Mendocino to Shelter Cove in 1999, where it was restored.

We drove to Black Sands Beach, where the views were accented by the rolling fog. The soft gray stones on the inner beach provided the contrast for the design in the last picture.

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