Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Cape Arago Highway

September 3,
We left the campground on a beautiful sunny morning, drove a little over thirty miles north to follow the Cape Arago Highway and it became foggy and cold. Unfortunately the beautiful day was gone when we got home, too.
The gardens are what's left of a timber barons's e
state. They were very pretty but it's been so cool all summer that the flowers have not reached their potential.
As we were reading the Oregon Coast book, it said the next area was the largest haul-out area on the Oregon Coast. Unsure of what that meant we stopped and saw thousands of sea lions and seals. In this area, there are a group of rocks with gentle inclines, not the usual steep slopes, coming out of the ocean and the seals and sea lions gather in huge numbers.
The low area in the second picture is solid with Stellar and California sea lions and the white dots in the third picture are seals.
On the way out on the cape road, we could barely see the Cape Arago Light, but on the return trip, it was visible(in the middle of the picture).

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