Sunday, October 10, 2010

Attempted Alcatraz Tour

September 24,
While on the KOA tour, we became interested in going to Alcatraz , which is alot closer to the city than we had thought. We decided to return to the city by ferry(from Larkspur, a town near the KOA) then ride the streetcar along the
coast from the Ferry Pier to Pier 33. The day was sunny and much warmer than our first trip to San Francisco. We passed by Alcatraz and got a great view of the San Francisco skyline.

After getting to Pier 33 and waiting in line, we found that they we selling tickets for Sunday----Friday's tickets were long sold out. The day was not a total loss, we wandered Fisherman's Pier...Pier 39, had a good seafood lunch and returned home on the ferry with the comuters.

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