Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Columbia River Scenic Highway

August 20,

Much to our surprise, when we tried to make reservations anywhere on the coast-Wahington or upper Oregon-everything was full!!!! So we ended up just outside Portland, Oregon for a few days. This worked out well for a couple of reasons, we took a pretty ride along the Columbia River and around Mt. Hood and we got to visit with Harry and Pinkie and their grandson Henry. The next time we'll see Harry and Pinkie we'll be somewhere in Florida---hopefully the Keys.
Our ride followed the Historic Columbia River Highway. It was built in the early 1900s, when the nation was discovering tourism. The top view of the gorge is from the Portland Women's Forum State Park. There was a group of artists, complete with easels and oils, capturing the view on canvas.
The Vista house was built as a stopping point on the old highway. It has been beautifully restored and has another beautiful view of the gorge. The man with the bike was dressed as tourist would be when this was built. He enjoyed answering questions and told us that the replacement stained glass was made by the company that made the original.

We saw many waterfalls along the rest of the Oregon side of the Highway.

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