Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Eastern Washington

July 26,
Driving across Washington on I-90, we saw acres and acres of farmland. Much of it planted in wheat and alfalfa with lesser amounts of potatoes, peas and corn. Some of the fields even had signs at the front telling what the crops were
After miles of flatlands, we started to go downhill and the Columbia River Gorge started coming into view. The change in scenery was amazing. As we reached the bottom, we debated taking the bridge over the river and were very surprised when I-90 actually did cross the bridge. We then started a ten mile climb, the longest steady climb we've encountered. Along the top of the ridge was a windmill farm and I finally got a picture that shows how big the windmills are. That's a full size van parked at the base.

We stayed in Ellensburg that night and it was so hot (around 100) that people pulled in , hooked up, turned up the air and stayed in their coaches. It wasn't until the next morning that we saw or talked to anuybody.

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